Baked Cinnamon Grapefruit

So fun fact…I’ve recently become a GRAPEFRUIT lover 😍. I love eating it all by itself but then this weekend I decided to bake them and add some cinnamon! Most recipes require sugar, honey or maple but honestly in my opinion you don’t need it! Seriously this little trick has taken grapefruit to another level! It’s an easy little way to make your day a little more fancy!⠀

Here’s how you make them! ⠀

Ingredients ⠀

  • grapefruit(s) ⠀
  • cinnamon ⠀
  • baking sheet ⠀

1. Preheat oven to 375F⠀

2. Cut the grapefruits in half, but make sure to go down the middle not through the white little hole at the top! This cut gives the ideal star-like look!⠀

3. Sprinkle cinnamon over the grapefruit.⠀

4. Bake for 35 minutes. ⠀

5. Give them 5-10 minutes to cool before you dig in!

Published by SimpleEasyWhole

Hi my name is Gabby, 28 and I work full-time as an accountant and I got my MBA part time while still working. I have always been one busy bee, even before graduate school. Post-undergrad, I worked at a public accounting firm AND was studying for my CPA. My first year post grad, working crazy hours and trying to pass a beast of exam, took a toll on my body, my mental capacity and brain power. I started the Whole30 journey in January 2016 and fell in love with how I felt. But let me tell you it took some adjustments like setting aside time to meal prep and realizing I may not be able to a make a certain recipe because I just don't have the time due to studying or busy season. A lot has changed since then, I've switched jobs and passed my exam, but one thing stays consistent...I stilllove to cook efficiently. I've yearned all my life to have that "I am sexy" confidence and with healthy eating and exercise, I'm getting there. I started this blog to help others who are in a similar position as me, who want to become the best version of themselves but with realistic expectations. For the busy moms, for the students, and for overworked accountant, these are my stories and recipes on how to live a simple easy whole life.

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